Easy Yoga Lessons

Yoga for the beginners

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yoga and ladies!

There is a wide spread doubt whether ladies can do Yoga! There is no doubt about that. They are the persons who 'should' do Yoga, to keep their natural beauty and body shape. Normally if ladies are not taking regular exercise and proper food they tend to become fatty and body shape is lost after one or two deliveries.  They can do comfortably all asanas I explained here. But during pregnancy and menstruation they may better get the advice of an efficient Guru. Otherwise doing some asanas may create difficulties. While some asanas done during the pregnancy period makes the process of delivery  easy, some others mitigate menstrual pain.  However those are to be practiced strictly under the supervision of a Guru. Regular practice of yoga relieves ladies from several gynaecologycal problems.

Obese? Do not worry!!

If you are obese by heredity or  by some other reasons like hormonal and metabolic imbalances, or bad food habits yoga is a remedy for that. Spend half an hour in the morning and evening for yoga. Overhaul your food habits in the way I have indicated in the beginning of this blog. Within one month you will get the result. Say good bye to your tummy. But do not give up yoga there after.  It should be a way of your life. You are doing it in the comfort of your house and not spending anything for that. Then why to stop it? Remember it is only for our body and mind.

Do not allow your obesity to stay on. It is a disease. It may create serious problems in your life. Accumulation of fat around the waist is much more harmful.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Yoga and sexual life

Another mistaken belief regarding yoga is that 'Yogis' are ascetics and have to keep celibacy. There is nothing like that. Majority of our ancient 'Rishis' were married and led comfortable family life. That simply means sex is not 'untouchable' for a yogi. I have read in several magazines, young teenagers asking the Doctor,

" Sir, I am masturbating daily and I fear that my weight is losing day by day. Is the masturbation the reason for that" Masturbation is not the reason, but your belief that I am doing a wrong thing, is the problem.

Practicing yoga will relieve the youth from all irresistible, silly tendencies of mind.

Depression and disease.

These two are closely related. Wherever one is there the other will also be there. A happy mind creates a healthy body. Yoga if done regularly all your minds silliness and unwanted desires will go off and you can regain complete peace of mind.

                       Moringa-----Not only a food but a medicine also


                My village--Such water bodies are becoming rare now               


  An unusually large rock that has been in this precarious position for centuries. But it never rolls down-MAMALLAPURAM           

Here it's full of huge rocks in the wild-MAMALLAPURAM

                     MY VILLAGE-A canal where we take a dip
                               Right in the wild--MAMALLAPURAM         

Monday, October 19, 2009

To start with

Yoga should be done in the morning or evening. However morning is the best time to practice yoga.(It is always better to lie down early and get up early)Get up early morning and after the primary activities, start practice. Wear loose dresses that do not hinder body movements ,like shorts. Ladies can wear some loose gown and shorts. What you need is a large, thick sheet and a well aerated room. Do Yoga facing the east or north because, from there only you will get a positive flow of energy. Once you step into the sheet never touch ground with any of your body parts till the practice is over. Other wise the electrical energy created in your body may be got earthed. Start with a calm mind. Daily half an hour practice (or till your body sweats) is enough. Any way if you wish so, you can take more time to practice. Never use fan or AC while practicing yoga.

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