Easy Yoga Lessons

Yoga for the beginners

Friday, October 16, 2009

Concluding the Asanas

I have so far explained 27 postures (asanas) and their advantages here. Each posture , I think, is  explained in the simplest way so that even an ordinary person can understand  and do it. That is the main intention behind my entire work. In addition I shall explain some types of Pranayamas (Breathing Exercises) before concluding this blog. 

Yogasasthra is vast and contains innumerable number of asanas which varies as per different cults. The same asana is perhaps known by a different name and  may be done in a different way. To do all of them at a stretch is impossible for  human. I do not demand anybody to do the 27 postures I explained here at a single stretch. I have given a schedule for practicing. One can do as per that schedule. As you get more and more acquainted with the postures you can do them selectively. Any how half an hour practice is minimum required per day. Suppose  you are not in position to do yoga for one or two days or a few days together, nothing will happen. No negative effects at all.

Some asanas like 'Sirshasana' is not only difficult to do but risky also. Therefore I have not given it here. Sarvangasana is equally effective and gives all the benefits of Sirshasana. Some are be studied strictly from a well-trained Guru. Those are also avoided here. The important Sun Salutation is described in a separate blog.

Without knowing our body, we are frantically engaged in the process of making money. The result is diseases for which there is no appeal. Whatever you have earned will have to be spent in hospitals. 

Basing this blog you can study postures without the help of a Guru. Do the asanas regularly as an experiment at least for one week and I am sure you will get the result. Nothing can be achieved sitting idle. Do your work and the Almighty will give the result.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pranayama (Breathing Exercise)

Hathayoga has prescribed 8 types of Pranayamas. Some of them are to be learned directly from a Guru. Hence all of them are not included here. Only some of them that can be done without much difficulty are included here.

The two indispensable factors for  the very existence human are the two invisibles called Mind and Prana. If any one of them is not there, there is no life. Prana is there everywhere in this universe. It is found in each of our nadis ( nerves). It is found in the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breath. It is this 'prana' that gives us the aura and energy for our body. Mind and Prana together form the 'Microbody' while that part of body made up of flesh and blood is the 'Macrobody'. If the microbody is there inside then only 'macrobody' has life.

Breathing is the visible form of 'prana'. To contol our breath and fill the body with enough 'prana' is called 'Pranayama'. In the normal breathing all of our lung's 'alveoli'(the minute cavities of our lungs) are not filled with enough oxygen. So controlled breathing is needed to fill our lungs with 'prana vayu' (oxygen).

When one is got terribly frightened his breathing becomes irregular and the whole body functions get subverted. If you take some long  breaths your mind becomes calm and body functions becomes normal. This is the ultimate aim of 'Pranayama' 


                                         Autumn tree

                                A model of Alfonsamma Church


                                 A stone carving ---Mamallapuram

                                  Water is there plenty......but

                               No place other than beach to rejoice