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Yoga for the beginners

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yoga has no substitutes

Yoga is not gymnastics or circus though these two may contain some yogic postures.You spread your legs, put your legs over the shoulders ,stretches arms, and do some 'inhuman'
postures so that the spectators open their mouth in aghast that a man can do such things! Dear friends, you should understand one thing. As I said earlier it in not circus. It only involves a series of exercises, pranayama and meditation ( I don't forget the fact that some Asanas are very complicated and well experienced Acharyas can do them) to keep your muslces stretched and body more flexible and fit.



You will get a beautiful calm beach, best south Indian hotels. The place has got wonderful rocks and the monolithic carvings and architecture of the ancient Pallava Dynasty which ruled the South India during 7-8 th centuries  The stone carvings are quite amazing. There are a number of shops which sale stone carvings where you can buy them at reasonable prices!!
                             A wonderful stone carving of a temple

A beautiful stone carvings for sale.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Food And diseases

Human body is prone to get diseases in generally 2 ways.

1.Hereditary diseases---These are acquired from the ancestral stalk through genes. Therefore we have little control over such diseases.In some persons the immune system of the body will be weak hereditarily. Such persons are more prone to get diseases.

2. Diseases which we get from our life environment and bad habits--- This includes the air, food and water born diseases, besides those we get from our own bad habits like over eating, excessive use of alcoholic drinks, smoking, Drug using etc. This category we can control to a great extent by changing our habits and environment. Yoga is the best solution for a healthy and cheerful life of such mortals.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hathayoga (Hatha Vidhya)

Yoga has 4 main divisions. Rajayoga, Bhakthiyoga, Karmayoga and Jnanayoga. Still there are several other sub-divisions which are beyond our scope of discussion.

Rajayoga is vast and only Yogis of the Vedic ages were authorized to do that. It is not meant for the common man. We are mainly concerned with our health and how to lead a pleasant life within our means. For that ‘Hathayoga’ which is done in the form of Asanas(Postures), Dhyana (Meditation) and Pranayama(breathing exercise) is more than enough. The fundamental literature we follow in Hathayoga is ‘Hathayoga Pradeepika’ written by Swami Swatmarama (An Indian sage who lived in the 15 th century) .Yoga is not something to be done for one or two days or a month and then given up. It should be a way of our life. I strongly believe that our next revolution may come through yoga.

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