Yoga has 4 main divisions. Rajayoga, Bhakthiyoga, Karmayoga and Jnanayoga. Still there are several other sub-divisions which are beyond our scope of discussion.
Rajayoga is vast and only Yogis of the Vedic ages were authorized to do that. It is not meant for the common man. We are mainly concerned with our health and how to lead a pleasant life within our means. For that ‘Hathayoga’ which is done in the form of Asanas(Postures), Dhyana (Meditation) and Pranayama(breathing exercise) is more than enough. The fundamental literature we follow in Hathayoga is ‘Hathayoga Pradeepika’ written by Swami Swatmarama (An Indian sage who lived in the 15 th century) .Yoga is not something to be done for one or two days or a month and then given up. It should be a way of our life. I strongly believe that our next revolution may come through yoga.
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