Easy Yoga Lessons

Yoga for the beginners

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yoga and food

The food one eats should not only be of moderate quantity but also which his mind likes most. Remember 'overeating' and untimely eating is much more harmful than undernourishment.It is proved by modern medicine also. See the studies of Dr. David.A.Kessler (Pediatrician and former Head of FDA (USA)

masswargyam cha (a)thibhakshnam
apunyam lokavidhwishtam
thasmathath parivargyayeth

The above 'sloka' means overeating destroys health, decreases life-span. It will make other people dislike you. Over-eaters cannot go to 'heaven'. Yogasasthra proclaims vegetarian food. People generally have a wrong notion that eating meat, eggs and fish only give health.The fact is, you can stay equally healthy by eating vegetarian food.(However eating limited quantity of non-vegetarian items except fried food is not strictly prohibited by yoga masters).

Always remember the under mentioned facts: 

  • Leave the stomach empty at least three hours a day.
  • Masticate the food proper before swallowing
  • Do not eat junk food or canned food and bakery items.
  • Eat more vegetables especially leafy vegetables.
  • Make fruits a main ingredient of food.
  • Eat food when you are really hungry. If the mind feels tense avoid food because proper digestion will not take place.
  • Do fasting once in a day each week so as to give complete rest to the organs of digestion. Use drinks and fruit only.
  • Avoid alcoholic foods, tea and coffee as far as possible.
  • Yoga does not prohibit eating non-vegetarian food altogether. But avoid red meat and fried food.