Easy Yoga Lessons

Yoga for the beginners

Friday, November 20, 2009


In our times it is quite difficult to follow the rules as such. But we are expected to follow the rules so far as we can.

Yamas are rules that are not to be done and niyamas are rules that are strictly to be followed as sage Patanjali put it. First I shall briefly explain 'yamas'
1.Ahimsa (Not kill)---The word has in fact a wider meaning than it denotes. It does not only mean the physical killing of other living beings but also causing pain to them through our words or activities. 'Mother Earth has everything within her to satisfy our needs but not our greed'!. Then why to compete with one another.

Ahimsa is a sacred duty ('Ahimsa Paramodharmaha') as the great Gurus said it)

2. Sathya (Truth)----Always follow the path of truth.

3. Astheya (Do not steal)----Never long for others property whatever it may be. Nor do keep on the fear that your's will be stolen by somebody. Defeat such impulses lest they will vitiate our minds, corrupt it and destroy our peace.

4. Aparigraha (non-acceptance)--Among all creatures it is only the human beings who show the feeling of greed. The more we get, the more our desire soar high. This insatiable greed will vitiate our mind and take away our peace. What we have to remember is that, we take along nothing with us while we go for the 'un-retunable journey'. With all our might we should learn to live within our means.

5. Brahmacharya (celibacy)----From adolescence up to the age of 25 is the period for learning in a man's life ( for women also it is not different). During this period he should strictly abstain from all carnal pleasures. This is called of brahmacharya. There after during 'Garhastya' (family life) he is allowed to marry and enjoy all earthly pleasures. Yoga by no means imposes any restriction on sex.

Now we pass on to 'Niyamas'

1. Souchyam (cleanliness)----We are always keen in keeping our body clean. Please note that along with that our mind and living surroundings should also be clean. We are living in the age of all kinds of pollutions. A mango when put in salt solution, the salt pervades to each and every cell of the mango. Like that the impurities surrounding us will enter into our body making us unclean and diseased. This shows the inevitability of preventing environmental pollution.

2. Santhosha (happiness)----We should always keep our mind cheerful. Whatever difficulties stare at us, think that there is a solution for everything.

3. Tapas (do earthly duties)---Tapas here means doing our earthly duties well without fail.

4. Swadhyaya----There is a famous saying that 'ignorance is better than half-knowledge or mistaken belief'. True knowledge is needed to understand oneself and his surroundings. This we have to acquire through the teachings of Great Gurus and books written by them like Puranas, epics, Bible etc.

5. Eeswarapranidhan (Praying to the Almighty)---- We all go to Churches, Temples, mosque etc. and pray to God. This prayer should not be self-centered. Do not pray that"Oh...God, give me one 'Thola' of gold tomorrow"! Always pray for the well being of the whole human community.

                Enjoying wild nature from a rock-MAMALLAPURAM

                         Visitors climb a big rock-MAMALLAPURAM           

                               A wonderful Beach-MAMALLAPURAM

                                 Light House-MAMALLAPURAM